Thursday 30 July 2015

What have we been up to this week?

This week, Team Seuss have been doing lots of fun, exciting learning.  Here are some of the things we have learnt this week...

- Making beautiful, colourful elephants
- Our buddy class taught us a new song which also includes counting in Maori
- Caitlen taught us a new game to play called "Mr Brown is out of town"
- We did jump jam with the whole school
- We went to our assembly run by Room 4 and Levi got our class certificate for his awesome learning
- Xavier and Mrs Alabaster made rice bubble cake and then we all got to try some
- We all created a new story this week about a Dad who lost his favourite toy in the dark forest. These    are published up on the wall for everyone to come and see
- We read a new big book called "The Giant's Ice Cream" and the giant got stuck in the door because    he ate too much ice cream
- Our jolly phonics letters we learnt were c/k, e, b and f
- We did PE and played octopus and space invaders

This week we welcomed Musab into Team Seuss.  We also welcomed Miss Parish and Miss Gardyne who will be in our class for the next 5 weeks.

Sunday 26 July 2015

News Roster

Dear Parents/Caregivers

This term Team Seuss are going to learn how to be news presenters to help them with their oral language and present their news.  The children have chosen the topics for the term and they will be rostered on (see below) so they have a set day to prepare to share their news on their topic.  This will be every 2nd week of the term and the odd weeks they will be choosing their own oral language to share if they choose to.

Can you please look at the roster (maybe keep a copy on the fridge to help remind you of when they are rostered on) and help your child to prepare for their day to share?

The children will need plenty of chances to practice what they are going to say so they feel confident when sitting up the front and talking to the class so the more chance you give them to practice at home the better.  You will also need to prompt them for things to say.  On the roster you will see some ideas to help you with this. 

Thank you for your support!
Cat (Miss Kincaid) & Tracie (Miss Jones)

Thursday 23 July 2015

What have we been up to this week?

Term 3 Week 1 (20th - 24th July)

Team Seuss have been ...

  • learning the letters s, a, t and i for jolly phonics
  • writing silly sentences like a big fat cat sat on the mat because they are our rhyming words
  • learning word families
  • learning kapahaka songs for our mihi whakatau
  • sparking our brains and pumping our blood by doing some jump jam each morning.  This week we learnt superstar and you should be dancing.
  • writing about what we did in the holidays
  • making get well cards for one of our team who has been in the hospital, Jamal
  • learning to skip count in 2's
  • learning to count to 25
  • learning to order our numbers to 20
  • to the library with our buddies and read together then did the matariki macarena
  • getting books out of the school library to have in our class
  • using the playground as an obstacle course
  • learning new words that we can recognise in our reading, Kingston learnt 'is'
  • learning the poem twinkle twinkle little star and making our own stars
  • reading some books that we can take home and read to our families
We also welcomed 5 new students to our class this week.  We now have two 6 year olds in our class.

Join us to find out what we are going to learn next week.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Welcome back to Term 3

Welcome back to another exciting term.  We have quite a few new children starting in Team Seuss this term so a warm welcome to all the new families.
As an official welcome please come along to our Mihi Whakatau this Friday at 10.20am.  See school notice for more information on this.

Just a few reminders... 
With these cold winter months we have a lot of runny noses so please help your children learn to blow their nose at home.  While you are at it can you please teach your children how to tie their shoelaces, or provide them with velcro shoes.

There are still come outstanding library books.  Please make sure that you bring back the school library books each week.  Our library day is Wednesdays.

For this first week, Fruit in Schools will not be providing fruit for the children.  Please make sure there is a piece of fruit in the children's lunchbox that they can eat during fruit time.

What's happening this term...
Week 1 - Mihi Whakatau
Week 2 - Hearing and Vision testing.  If you think your child needs this please see the office.
             - Welcome to our Student teachers, Miss Parish and Miss Gardyne
Week 3 - Redwood library class visit
Week 4 - Maui in the Sun performance
Week 6 - Team Seuss Assembly
Week 7 - Kapa Haka Cultural Festival (Seniors)
Week 9 - Arts Week - open day and wearable arts performance
Week 10 - Last week for the term

Every week we will be updating the blog on a Friday so you know what the children have been learning for the week.  Team Seuss will help us write this so check it out!  Reminders and other notices that affect our class will also be published on this blog.

Have a great term!
Tracie and Cat