Thursday 29 October 2015

What have Team Seuss been up to this week?

Term 4 Week 3 27th - 30th October

We have . . .

  • had a lovely day at home on Labour Day Monday - Jodi
  • been learning e for egg and h for hot, hat, house, home etc - Shyla, Ataahua, Caitlen
  • been learning about hippos and horses - Maddie
  • Hippos have humongous mouths, they live in Africa, they eat plants and grass which makes them a herbivore and they really love water and playing in it - Te Rau, Shyla, Maddie, Jodi 
  • Horses have a long nose and they have powerful legs.  They have long tails that swish and they have jobs to do like pulling carriages and helping the police - Axel, Caitlen, Ataahua, Shyla
  • been writing descriptions about hippos and horses - Te Rau, Cameron
  • been learning rotines with rakau sticks - Caitlen
  • been learning 2 new jump jam songs called 5, 6, 7, 8 and Thriller - Caitlyn & Ataahua
  • been making patterns for maths and had some testing done on our numeracy knowledge - Caitlen
  • been learning how to read a calendar - Shyla and Jamal
  • been reading the bog book called Greedy Cat.  He stole all the food that the mum was buying from the shops then mum got some pepper and that stopped Greedy Cat - Cameron, Shyla & Jamal
  • been learning our alphabet and how to read books - Pheonix
  • been growing beans - Shyla
Wow, look how much we have done in just this short week.  This is only what we can remember, there is still a lot more learning going on.

Thursday 22 October 2015

What have we been up to this week?

Term 4 Week 2

This week we have . . .

  • been learning about measurement and we are growing beans, they have come through the soil and there are 15 and 2 little ones there.
  • learning jolly phonics letters and sounds for e, p, n, c & k
  • learnt the word family for dog
  • been getting fit with car wash and coconut jump jam songs
  • been reading and learning letters and words through puzzles and games
  • been learning our jumping, runing and throwing skills for athletics next week
  • been learning to run relays with our bussy class
  • been writing descriptions about giraffes, lions, penguins and snakes
  • learning that some snakes can swim and can climb
  • been learning that penguins are birds but they can't fly, they swim instead
  • been learning that giraffes live in Africa
  • been learning that lions have a mane and eat meat

Saturday 17 October 2015

News Roster for Term 4

Dear Parents/Caregivers

This term Team Seuss are going to continue to learn how to be news presenters to help them with their oral language and present their news.  The children have chosen the topics for the term and they will be rostered on (see image) so they have a set day to prepare to share their news on their topic.  This will be every 2nd week of the term and the odd weeks they will be choosing their own oral language to share if they choose to.

Can you please look at the roster and help your child to prepare for their day to share?

The children will need plenty of chances to practise what they are going to say so they feel confident when sitting up the front and talking to the class, so the more chance you give them to practise at home the better.  You will also need to prompt them for things to say.  On the roster you will see some ideas to help you with this. 

Thank you for your support!
Cat (Miss Kincaid) & Tracie (Miss Jones)

Thursday 15 October 2015

Welcome back to Term 4!

Team Seuss have had a great start back to the term.  We have done some fun learning this week and we have been enjoying the nice sunny weather.  In Term 4 we all need to be wearing our hats at morning tea time and lunch time.
Here are some of the things we did this week...

- We read a new big book about "Cass the Colour Robber"
- In Maths we are learning about measurement and capacity
- We have learnt what 'full' and 'empty' mean
- We have also been talking about things that are heavy and light
- In our jolly phonics 1 group have learnt the letters s, a, t and i
- Another phonics group have been learning rhyming words with "cat"
- We have been building things before school
- Miss Kincaid has been teaching us a new Samoan song and how to use the rakau sticks
- During our buddy time we played some games outside

We also welcomed Jhade and Ruby into Team Seuss this week.  We are very lucky to have them as part of our team.